Sunday, November 30, 2008

movin into our new house

Dining room, with flowers from pete and aline
Pantry with funky broom from lara

kitchen with kiwi mitts from jessie

kitchen with new wedding gift plates and bowls in dishwasher

lounge with nothing in it yet

looking out on the porch

lovely coloured poo-green tub

bathroom, again lovely poo green

bedroom with view of back yard, prob will be computer room sorta thing


our bedroom!!getting filled up with stuff, still got lots of stuff to organise so excuse the mess mum!!

our grand king bed from wonderful ma and pa

wayne washing the carpets

our back yard cover in snow!Friday, the day we got the house, it snowed like a foot(in reality 4")but so much in such a short time!!was insane and i nearly, kinda did, have a little car crash but all is ok

new snow shovel for our new coverd in snow driveway

Friday, November 28, 2008

candice and lewi stayed with us for the wknd

Skaha lake

anniversary trip to "AMERICA" ha spokeane

We went to spokeane for 4 days and meet up with our friends from radium, jodi and dustin blaine!
we went to oh i cant think of the name but a huge hunting store for 2 rather long hours!!but was really cool cos they had all these stuffed animals!was awesome

the boys were looking forward to going to this shooting range all wknd then we got there and it was closed!!haha was so funny

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


this is the house we've put on offer on!!these pics are for ma basically!!