Thursday, September 30, 2010

from a while ago

we went to pools the other night with all the kids, kingston loves the water, he didnt even want to hold on to us, wanted to just walk around by himself!
(look the the skin colours in this pic!dark and light!)
we walked down to the school playground one night with lara and mike
how cute!!
trying to teach kingston to get down and turn around before u go head first down the slide
but pretty much the rocks were the best part of the playground

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

welcome neveah

latest paint for my beach room, NZ beach, aoteatroa
lara's newest addition nevaeh
shes a darling

Saturday, September 25, 2010

not the best photos but nana and papa need their up dates
we are wearing this vest lots at the moment thanks ryder's grandma!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


this pic is a double up but i just cropped it and wanted to put it on
helping mum in the garden
so here's our self portrait just for u mum!!:)pretty funny!
excuse the farmer joe outfit, i'd been painting

"and this is my new bike helmet that i think is very fantastic!!"
look at that big boy!love this pic
grandma has colouring at her place so i decided to get some out at home, he hasnt quite got the concept of drawing but loves to pull them all out of the bag and pretend hes drawing!!
"like this mum?"

love love love this sweater that my mother knitted for kingston!!
he likes to sit on top of things at the moment
oh and thats his rocking horse he loves, i must take a pic of him on it!
and sorry if the photos are bad quality, the camera takes about 5 seconds before it takes the pic after u push the button!

Friday, September 17, 2010

fav chair

reading books to chevy
this is his new fav chair at the moment!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

after hunting high and low its official...
i've lost my camera!!
so annoyed!!
last place i remeber havin it was houseboating so any of my fellow house boaters, if it shows up at ur place let me know.
but pretty sure its gone...
so sorry folks wont be photos for a while