Wednesday, September 23, 2009

too cute!!

kiwiana!! tiki top
hows that for a milk mustach ?!
he was watching the mobile and i come in to check him and he's happy as larry with milk all over his face!!haha he must has spewed all over himself!!its right up to his nose!!hahahaa
talking with my eyebrows!!
what a cheeky grin
I couldnt pick which of these 3 pics was the cutest!!they are all to cute!!so i put all 3 on!!

so I have slept through the entire night!!!once!!no waking up to feed!!2 nights ago, he had a really awake day so feed at 8pm them still not asleep so fed at 10pm but he only took one side and fell asleep.. soo im asleep by 11 and i check the clock at 3 still havn't woken up and hes still sleeping.. check the clock at 6am and i cant believe that i still havn't been woken up!!by that stage i was to excited to go back to sleep and... (maybe to much detail for some so stop reading here other wise read on!)my boobs were so full and sore, it was like they were engorged again!!especially the one side i didnt feed on at 10, and thats my bigger one anyway!!10 hours without a feed on that side!!way too long!!
and he did 7.5hours tonight so i'm pretty happy with that but its so dissapointing when he only sleep 5-6 now cos i've been spoilt wiht 7 hour sleeps!!
soo i've been going for lots of walks and am babysitting jane's girls again so thats fun!! oh and off the topic of kingston... is so funny, we moved some of our tulips while mum and pa were here while we were fixing up the gardens... and can u believe it... we have tulips flowering in fall!!!hahha funny a!!!!hope the flower in the spring still!! we'll see...


sharon said...

Cute pics of Kingston Roxy!! Sounds like you're all doing great .... but those tulip bulbs.... are they from N.Z. and think its spring????

lew n Merle said...

these are the cuuuuuutttest!!!!!