Monday, August 9, 2010


he was checking out his wheel spin!!he's not heavy enough for it and on our bumpy lawn it ends up wheel spinning alot!!
chevy's checking out what kingston is up to
hows that for a funny expression
"try get me now chevy"
at not but yet another parade

how old are u kingston??
out for a fancy spmancy dinner and walk on the dock
we get lots of family pics when nana is around

"sand feels funny on my feet"
"i'd be happy to play in the sand all day long tho"
"ooo i think i see a seagull"
"what nan?what are u trying to tell me?"


jodie said...

love the pic of him showing how old he is!! so excited to see you tomorrow:)

Jessandsteve said...

yummy mummy roxy!!!

Justin Louise Reuben Zeke & Elijah Kliese said...

i think the brim on that hat is bigger than he is!!!hahah!