Sunday, December 19, 2010

winter wonderland

so i just had this feeling of bewilderment this morning that i live in a "winter wonderland"!!!!
some times it still feels crazy that i live in a country that snows all winter!i was outside shoveling the fresh 2 inches of snow off MY driveway, like its the most normal thing in the world, when really, i'm gettin a little buzz off the fact that i'm shoveling snow. fullstop. OFF MY DRIVEWAY!!!
haha anyhow, all the canadians reading this will think im crazy but my fellow kiwi's will understand!
and on my daily walks with Chevy and Kingston, you never know how its going to go in the winter now. the other day it was total slush and i got soaked and could hardly push the stroller through it all, then one walk was ice(good thing i had the stroller to hold onto or i would have been on the ground) and theres one steep hill i have to go down and im always nervous its going to be icy, but so far so good. and then theres the added bonus of when chevy see's another dog and goes just a tiny bit crazy!!!!!!i always hope that that happens when im on solid ground, not the snow or ice cos how do u hold an excited puppy back when ur sliding on ice??!?!he is actually doin really well.... sometimes.
haha i love winter!!

back yard
our street
freshly shoveled and by the time i had a finish a fresh layer of snow on the driveway!


jodie said...

You are such a goof but I love you anyway;)

Anna said...

wow - its quite amazing really - a fairyland!