Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the things we do for our kids!!!!!

APPLES!! most ppl would have no trouble at all with this but for me its a big BIG problem!!!i pretty much have an apple phobia! so kingston usually has porridge with apple sauce in it in the mornings, anyway the other day i ran out of my big stock up and was so dreading making more, actually tried to put it off completely but for the good health of my son and some convincing from my mother i started the dreaded task again!!
found some gynormous(how do u spell that word?means huge)ganny smith apples, 45cents per pound and left the store with 2 massive bags of apples. now to find the courage, yes i said courage, to handle, peel, cut, mash and smell these ... trying to find the right words to discribe what i think of apples .... foul things. my in-laws make apple sauce every summer and have these fantastic inventions that peel and cut the apples all with a twist of the hand!so i borrowed one of them and got to work. Kingston entertained himself with the pots and pans and was putting apples here and there, so when i thought i was finished peeling and cutting the last apple i looked around the house to see if i could see any of the apples kingston had been playing with. hunted high and low and couldnt find any, so started to clean up. thank goodness i wasnt finished cleaning up when i opened the cupboard to tidy up some of the trays kingston had been using and found five apples placed nice and tidily in the cupboard(in the photo above). my tourture drags on... more touching smelling peeling juices cutting grossing of these apples. i said to myself and to kinston multiple times "i'm doing this ALL FOR YOU kingston!!ALL FOR YOU!!"

anyway, he does love the apple sauce tho!!thankfully!!!
he was saying chesse and the camera in this pic
and as long as he likes the food, he has to feed himself!!


lew n Merle said...

O Roxy I luv it:-)If Kingston knew how much that it cost his mum to make apple sauce! You're wonderful:-)

Jessandsteve said...

thats a big cup of apple sauce for a little boy!!
oi I would like to see photos of your new house decoration please!

Andrea said...

I LOVE this post!!! So funny! xo

jodie said...

You are such a good mom!!!!!