Monday, September 19, 2011

birth story

kingston was trying on his new knitted hat from nana so he pulled out his mittens aswell

i love these pics of him jumping off the change table to me

proud daddy with his baby girl
kingston was sitting beside him waiting to 'carry kita'
anytime nikita cries kingston comes running with the dummy
he's soooo helpful with the baby :) haha
think this is one of the few pics of all of us
big brother, little sister
shes starting to open her eyes a bit more now
her hands are most often right by her face
sleeping beauty
with the huge ugly dummy that she has in her mouth most of the time
karma's first hold
gerri's first hold
grandpa's first visit
i should really explain why shes sleeping in the washing basket, or nah.. i'll just let u keep wondering!!
having a chat to mum
the flash was so bright by the time the photo was taken her eyes were closed but check out the gorgeous hat knitted by nana!
look at the expression on her face!!haha oooo

birth story, skip if ur not interested in all the details
thursday i had a check up and lebel tried to give me a sweep but wasnt dialated enough so just did a little massage(which is meant to bring on labour 24-48hrs later if ur ready). i was completly expecting nikita to be overdue cos kingston was and my scan date was later than my date, so on friday we were just on our way out for supper and i started having contractions. they continued for about 3 hours before they fizzeled out to 1 contraction every 20minutes, and that went on all night. i could sleep inbetween them thankfully and the contractions pretty much stopped at 6.30 that morn. i had decided i'd go into the hospital just to get checked out and see what was going on and my hope was that they would say "ur 5cm dialated and we'll break ur waters" which is exactly what happened!so they broke my waters about 1030am and it didnt really change too much, i was just bearly having random contractions so they started me on oxytocen at bout 1230. i have little veins or they collapse or something so it was a nightmare getting the iv in!after about 5 different trys by the nurse and the doctor they finally got it in, it seriously hurt! then the contractions started, was on my hands and knees again cos nikita was not quite posterier but on her side, so lots of pain in my back still. i didnt want wayne or mum to touch me this time and managed to breathe through it all without any painrelief. when i got to 8cm i was ready to push and just wanted this to all be over, but wasn't allowed to push and it wasnt too much longer before i could. so did one push and doc said the next push the baby will be born, so the next push i had to stop pushing halfway through(how hard is that!!!) because the cord was around the baby's neck and the doc had to clamp and cut the cord before i could even keep pushing, otherwise it could have strangled baby or cord snapped and risk of baby and me bleeding. so thank goodness for a very experienced calm wonderful doctor who handled it all fantasticly!so nikita was born in 2 pushes and then started the hysterical blubbering crying mother!!haha i was a complete mess, i just wanted the baby on me which i got but seriously just sobbing!haha completely different to my response to kingston being born, not a tear.
anyway got myself under control and we have a very content darling baby girl and we were home by 9pm that night!
all in a days work


Jennifer said...

Good on ya Roxy! Well I'd be quite the blubbering mess too. Keep bringing on the pics.
JENNIFER. Hee. Just wanted everyone to know my name is Jennifer! Oh yeah. Knitting's got way funkier since our Nana's day! Awww. But wasn't Nana a darling? Vegetable soup and malt biscuits. :)

Anonymous said...

What a girl you are, Roxy. Get the job done and get home. Good for you. And nice that you can come home to your Mum!! Wonder if she could be convinced to hold some knitting seminars? There are some things I need to know. Provisional cast on??? What's that? She does beautiful work.

A. Debbie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Roxy. What a beautiful little girl!-----
Ryders Gr. Grandma

Anna said...

Great to see some photos of your gorgeous new baby. Hmmm I think Nana's knitting was done a few years ago but should have been blue!!! Congratulations to you all xx

Samantha said...
