Monday, April 30, 2012


reading books in bed sunday morn
 hes loving driving his tractor and has the steering down pat now

 nikita has learnt to drive too

 guess which team he cheers for??:) thanks for the 'new' hat lara and 'new' jersey lillian!! 'new' , kingston calls everything new at the moment!

  just missed it, bt kingston is constantly fiddling and playing with nikita's ears!
no idea why they r out of order!
notice my dafidols and some tulips have flowered mum??!:)
and if ur interested, i updated the last post with pics. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

utterly exhausted

utterly exhasusted is how i would say im feeling right now!!
the kids have the hand foot mouth virus.
kingston got the fever tuesday evening so was up pretty well all night with him, and pretty much went from bed to the couch on wednesday, so grizzly and HOT!he cooled off early thursday morning and then the spots arrived, on his ears, round his mouth, hands, elbows, bottom, none on his feet surprisingly, and inside his mouth!!so as hes eating he randonly starts crying and says owie pointing at his mouth, poor kid!
friday afternoon nikita started getting really grumpy,(i was so hoping she would some how not get it!)and then the fever started and then SHE STOPPED NURSING!!!she wont latch on!!!so up most of the night and would NOT feed!!started to worry a bit in the morning about dehydration but i got my pump out and used a dropper to feed her, offered boob- wouldnt take it, dropper, boob-wouldnt take it, then she started sucking the bottle which shes never done, offered boob-wouldnt take it!!so anyway shes been miserable all day, fever all day, and ive been pumping which hurts!!and she is already getting spots all over her bottom and legs, ears and under arms!
so looks like it will be night 5 of no sleep tonight, utterly exhausted!!
really my biggest concern, i so hope this is not the end of breastfeeding!!! im hoping its jsut the sores in her mouth that are stopping her from feeding and ASAP she gets back on the boob!dont know what i'll do otherwisse!!anyway, we'll work that out if we get there!
hope no body else has this virus!!
and hats off to all the mums who went or are going through sleepless nights with sick kids!!
once again

.. some pics of the spots and blisters

- nikita's spot are worst since these pictures, her legs are red with rash!!it doesnt seem to bother her too much tho
-and so delighted,.....  nikita is back on the boob!!!  phewww

Monday, April 23, 2012


 kingston is really enjoying the alphabet letters from aunty ruthie lately. this morning we went through and put them all in the right order and after putting in each letter i had to sing the whole alphabet while kingston danced and tried to sing as many of the letters as he could.
nikita fits this gorgeous knitted cardy now, i think mary knitted this one actually!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

sunshine today

 enjoying the sunshine today
 nearly finished cutting the tree down, wayne carved kingston initials into the tree

 brother sister love

 nikita was properly introduced to chevy today
 she didnt once take her eyes off him

and the finished product!!looking clean and green!!
thanks to my wonderful hubby!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

just now...

 got nikita's photo blown up!i LOVE it!!

 the kiddies slept in our room the last few days while the workers have been with us!

cuddles for nikita this morning

Monday, April 16, 2012

final 6month shot

 its down to these two and i better decide quickly because nikita is 7months tomorrow!!!cant believe she is so old already!!waynes comment on the first pic was "but she's slobbering" but i think its kinda approriate cos she does dribble non stop!and the next one, love her cute little smile but bothers me a bit that her hand is blurry but its sorta totally cute too!
so help me decide, im going to get it printed this week!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

tree cutting

 we cut down some huge hidious pine trees that drop cones and needles all over our lawn yesterday, so we had to rent a cherry picker thing which i think both my boys were excited about!!haha
 do we look alike?
 the kids and chevy watching
 wayne doing his thing with the chainsaw
 taking kingston for a ride, "look how high i am nana!!"
 "i wonder how high i am?"

 the biggest one right before we did the TIIMMMMMBBBBBEEEERRRRRRRRRR bit. i was a little nervous about that part but the trees all landed inn the right spots thank goodness

 sean and gerri riding with kingston
a few snaps from this morning

 how much of a darling is she!!!!!!!!

 sooo gorgeous!!!

had to get one pic of kingston in there too, he'ss wearing his new work boots just like daddy's that daddy got for him. how cute is kita in this one