Thursday, August 2, 2012


 kingston and nana devoured this 4lb box of blueberries
 PROUD big brother
 yee hoo pj's
 from china, they r so cute jennifer. and talking of jennifer, my mother has commented about 100 times that nikita looks so much like u did at this age!i just new she was kinda gonna look like u, thats why i named her after u!!:)
 cute frilly bum
 not sure how im supposed to fit any groceries in???

 nikita puts everything in her mouth

this is a new look for nikita and an expression she pulls quite frequently lately!also, see her left hand is like tucked under backwards, well she often does that as she crawls, just stretching her wrist i guess, all the crawling is hard work on the wrists

1 comment:

jodie said...

Your kids are so cute!! Ryder has that same clavin klein outfit:)