Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1 week old

My baby is a little fatty!!:)haha we went to the doc today and he weighed 7lb 3oz!! babies are meant to gain about an ounce a day and Kingston has put on 2oz per day!!so thats good!!gives him a good start!!
and I went for my first walk with Kingston this afternoon, in the stroller, was pretty fun!!
Nana having another cuddle:)isn't he sweet!
Kingston loves his mobile from nana!he watches the animals go around and listens to the bach, beethoven, mozart classical music!!ha is so cute watching him watch all the colours!

The boy's playing games at lara's!
We went down to the beach and had my first swim since Kingston arrived!felt so nice, the water has really warmed up!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

He's changing already from his first pictures...he's just so cute!! Can't wait to meet him...maybe his first road trip will be to Calgary!!