Saturday, August 22, 2009

26 days old

new bedding for the crib!!
we spent the afternoon at the beach..
and Kingston slept in the towel!how gorgeous!!
he looked so sweet!!
Biking on the KVR, we put Kingston in the carseat in the trailer so we could all go!!
was great fun!
Kingston slept the whole way..
wearing his new bonds top from his buddy Reuben
so.. we're on video skype..
and aunty Jessie is talking to Kingston...
and she's full of strange noises and funny face's...
but Kingston was looking right at her!! (we love skype)
a pic with mum
Karma loves to hold Kingston
a bike and a walk beside trout creek
looking all boy!
dressed in stripes!


Shelby said...

what a cutie.....roxie his beach towel was PINK!!!!! jk anywho very cute

wayne.roxy said...

shelby, it was actually my towel, but Kingston knows he's man enough to wear pink!!:)ha ha