Saturday, February 4, 2012


love from big brother
we had a great day out on the boat

kingston was jumping off the boat
nikita checking out the snapper
kingston wasnt game to touch the 'big/bug fush/fish'
nikita is teething and chewing on everything
in the bath, cute one of kita
kingston found himself a perch on the boat
rinsing off on the boat
big boy climbing back on to the boat after jumping in
leaving the marina
going cruising in the MG with papa lew
auckland girls grammar school in jessies class room!!haha was quite a funny feeling thinking that she is the teacher!!
kingston is constantly getting who ever he can to play hockey with him
arriving in to auckland airport and very excited to see everyone!
kingston loved rolling the bag
wearing uncle brandons hat
nikita loves to suck on her toes!
picnic at mt albert park after a look around the new auckland art gallery
kingston was reading a book to nikita
jessie cooking dinner and completely entertaining nikita in the process with her most wonderful singing
"got u liam" :)

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