Monday, February 6, 2012

Grandfather : Gordon Charles Tombs

I was fortunate enough to see my grandfather while I was home. He passed away on the 14th of jan. It was such a special time together with all the extended family over the time of the funeral. Grandfather was an incredibly special man and has had a huge influence on us all.
mum and dad at the grave before we left masterton

helping fill in the grave

most of the grandchildren carried grandfather through out the day
taking Grandfather from aunty ruths to the funeral home
the kids eating their kai one evening
most of the whanau
buried with Nana
the kids sitting by G-father
it was such a hot beautiful day


jodie said...

Thanks for posting all the pics. You did soooo much, looks like lots of fun. Hope you have a good trip home and talk to you soon .

sharon said...

So special you were there to share in this!!!